Happy Tortoise Habitat Tortoise Tables, Accessories and Baby Tortoises

Captive Bred Tortoises

Captive Bred Tortoises

Captive bred tortoises for sale in the UK. Hermann tortoises, otherwise known  are smaller as adults than most pet tortoises. They make lovely friendly pets and with the proper care are a very long lived animal. All our tortoises are legally captive bred, healthy and covered by our guarantee.

Not sure about caring for your new pet? Then give us a call, we have many years experience in tortoise keeping and their welfare and are more than happy to assist.


  • healthy young captive bred horsfield tortoise for sale UK also known as russian tortoise or Agrionemys horsfieldii

    Young microchipped hermann Tortoise with Tortoise Table & Starter Pack

    £285.00 Add to basket
  • healthy young captive bred horsfield tortoise for sale UK also known as russian tortoise or Agrionemys horsfieldii

    Young microchipped hermann Tortoise

    £159.95 Add to basket
  • healthy young captive bred horsfield tortoise for sale UK also known as russian tortoise or Agrionemys horsfieldii

    Two Young Tortoises with Tortoise Table and Starter Pack

    £415.00 Add to basket